
Carvajal Spain - Out and About

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 January 5th   Cabalgata de los Reyes (Three Holy Kings/ Wise Men)

each year sees the celebration of  Los Reyes Magos or the Three  Kings/Wise Men and is a major event in any Spanish Childs Diary.

The three kings celebration is basically a twist on Father Christmas giving the presents and to me it makes more sense. Instead of Father Christmas being the present provider it is the three kings, Melchor, Gasper and Balthazar who give the gifts.

Three locals dress in costumes and ride around on horses, followed by decorated floats, giving sweets and small presents to the crowds of children who watch the popular event.

If you head to Malaga for the Three Kings Festival you need to be parked and in place by 5pm. This is when the Three Kings arrive in the Port are greeted by the Mayor.

Generally the procession leaves Malaga Port at 17.30 and slowly winds its way through the streets of the City center heading towards the Town Hall. On the way the Three Kings are busy throwing out gifts, sweets and toys to the thousands of people who have lined the route.

In Spain unlike UK it is customary to give each other gifts on January 6th so the Three Kings celebration is a good opportunity to join in the fun before heading off and taking advantage of the late night shopping that is on offer, to buy any last minute gifts.

January 2018